Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishJavaScript Shorthand Coding TechniquesSome helpful JavaScript shorthand coding techniquesJan 26, 2020Jan 26, 2020
VS Code Extensions for Vue.js | AnansewaaVS Code is a popular lightweight text editor in the development community. It has a lot of features that are similar to other text editors…Jan 13, 2020Jan 13, 2020
Colorize Terminal Output Nodejs | AnansewaaMost developers today work with the terminal. It can be fun and extremely helpful to colorize the terminal output. I have seen a couple of…Jan 8, 2020Jan 8, 2020
How to add jQuery to Vue | AnansewaaIf you are from a jQuery background, the idea of not being able to use jQuery in your frontend application can be stressing. Fortunately…Dec 27, 2019Dec 27, 2019
Styling Console Messages | AnansewaaAs developers, we at a point log messages to the console for debugging purpose. Getting unexpected results can be stressful at times…Sep 18, 2019Sep 18, 2019
New in laravel 6 | AnansewaaThe Laravel team has release Laravel 6 on 3rd September 2019 and it’s now available for developers. According to the release notes, this…Sep 13, 2019Sep 13, 2019
Custom Validation Rules in Laravel 5.5 | AnansewaaCustom validation rules introduced in Laravel 5.5. Laravel custom validation makes it possible to add validation rules that are not…Sep 7, 2019Sep 7, 2019
Staying Focused When StudyingStudying for an examination or a test can be difficult, especially when there are distractions such as TVs, mobile phone and even…Mar 5, 2019Mar 5, 2019
SYMLINK(): No Such File or Directory Laravel | AnansewaaSymlink Problem: No Such FileNov 12, 20182Nov 12, 20182
[Pycharm IDE]File size exceeds configured limit(2.5M).File size exceeds the configured limit(2.5M)Oct 24, 20181Oct 24, 20181